Department of Culture Studies

Wednesday - 20/01/2021 17:19
Department of Culture Studies has responsibility of teaching the subjects relating to Vietnamese history and culture in all training programs which were regulated by Ministry of Education and Training, as well as by USSH...
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    Department of Culture Studies

Department of Culture Studies has responsibility of teaching the subjects relating to Vietnamese history and culture in all training programs which were regulated by Ministry of Education and Training, as well as by USSH.

The staff members:

  • Dr. Dang Thi Van Chi, the head
  • Dr. Nguyen Thi Van, the deputy head
  • B.S. Le Nguyen Le
  • B.A. Vu Thi Xuyen

1. Functions and Missions

1.1. The knowledge of Vietnamese culture and history is so vital in demand of understanding Vietnamese country and people; therefore, apart from the knowledge teaching Vietnamese as a second language, the faculty of Vietnamese Studies and Language has had department of Literarture since it was established in order to teach Vietnamese Literature, History and Culture for foreigners. Together with the development of faculty of Vietnamese Studies and Language, the staff members in this department were reorganized to establish two departments, Faculty of Literature and Art and Culture Studies which specializes in teaching Vietnamese history and culture for both Vietnamese and international bachelor students, as well as others who have demand of understanding Vietnamese History and Culture.

1.2. Since 2010, the faculty has assigned one more mission, training the bachelor program for Vietnamese students, the faculty. Also in 2010, beside teaching basic and high level Vietnamese Pratice Course for foreign students, the department of Cultural Studies has the mission of teaching the subjects relating to Vietnamese history and literature according to the bachelor training programs for Vietnamese and foreign students signed by Ministry of Education and Training, as well as by USSH.

1.3. 100% staff members finished graduate (of those 50% are Doctorial) majoring on history, anthrology and linguistics. The teaching staff in the department not only supplys the background knowledge such as Timeline of Vietnamese History, Vietnamese Cultural Profile… but also provides the knowledge of Vietnamese history and culture in the different viewpoints: Vietnam in ASEAN, Vietnamese history of preserving country, the minorities and monorities’ cultures in Vietnam, Religions, Vietnamese religions, Hanoi Studies…

2. Teaching and researching orientations

2.1. Not only the teaching staff in department, but the students, interns and graduate students majoring on Vietnamese Studies also can research deeply on the following issues: the change of Vietnam countryside in the process of modernization, Vietnam in on-sea commercial relationship with other countries in 17th and 18thcenturies, History of Vietnamese newspaper, The role of Vietnamese women in history, About Catholic villages in Vietnam ….

2.2. The teaching staff in department aenthusiastically takes part in many international conferences on Vietnamese Studies, as well as other conferences on other specilities of Social Sciences and Humanities; and is ready to share new information on theory, as well as approaching methods of Area Studies and interbanch in the research on Vietnamese Studies.

With the spirit for the general development of the faculty, of the major, the members of department positively implement a lot of research theses in order to apply in teaching according to the model of Research University; are ready to accompany with students, graduate students on the time of implementing their theses.

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